10 Things Only People in Williams Village Will Understand (3)

6. The Buff Bus


During the week, the Buff Bus isn’t too much of a hassle. Usually, they’re on time but once it’s about 3 or 4 o’clock, the buses hit traffic and start taking forever. On the weekends though, they have one bus going and the average time for it to get to where you are is about 30 minutes (unless you’re lucky and get there in the midst of the bus route). Luckily, the buses end around 3 on the weekends but if you see the bus drive away while your approaching the bus stop, you’ll be waiting for a while.

5. The Buff Bus in the Winter


I haven’t experienced this yet, but I am definitely not excited about it. Apparently buses may stop running if there’s too much snow on the ground. So, I guess my winter will consist of crying and missing class.


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