10 Thoughts You Have On A Sunday Morning

10 Thoughts You Have On A Sunday Morning
It happens every weekend: Sunday morning. From either partying or procrastinating, Sunday always rolls around to actually be productive.

After a long weekend of procrastinating by watching Netflix, hanging out with friends, and lying in bed, Sunday morning rolls around. You wake up and peer anxiously at the clock, hoping it says anything before 10:00 am. To your shock, it reads 11:45 am. You have 15 minutes of your morning left before it’s noon. All you can think about is how screwed you are for the rest of the day…a day filled with homework, meetings, and a workout class. How one manages to do all these things and not feel rushed or exhausted baffles you. But being a college is a pre-cursor to actually being an adult and sometimes you just have to get things done.

Here are some of the jumbled deliberations that may flood your head on most Sunday morning:

10. Crap, I just ruined my perfectly planned out day by snoozing one too many times. There has to be a better way to wake up on Sunday mornings where you don’t feel like the world is caving in.


9. Should I eat breakfast or lunch being that it is almost noon? Brunch is an option for a reason…combining two delicious meals in one is not only awesome, but saves you sometime now that you’ve killed two birds with one stone.


8. Time to do some homework. Where should I begin? I guess it’s time to look at that syllabus and figure out which is due first.



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