10 Times You Embarrassed Yourself While Drinking

10. When you casually made out with someone in front of literally everyone

And you don’t remember until the next day when you receive ten different texts ranging from “Go you!” to “Oh my god, do you remember what you did last night?!”


9. When you danced with that one creepy kid

All those people staring at you? Yeah they weren’t impressed, they were mortified for you.


8. When you walked around campus shouting and doing embarrassing things

One time last year I walked around my college campus yelling “I want to kiss a boy!” and people still remind me of that to this day. I never did get my kiss either. These things will not be forgotten easily.


7. When you kept on falling over and dropping everything

You tried so hard to keep it together and be casual, but then ended up dropping your phone, keys, wallet, etc. Also, those high heels were not the greatest idea.


6. When you saw your friends who don’t drink, your professors, or family friends

Oh shit.



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