10 Times How I Met Your Mother Made You Love Ted Mosby

10. When Ted stole Robin a blue french horn

This iconic moment in the series gave us a new appreciation for colored instruments and Ted Mosby. His impulsive act is one which leads him on an incredible 9 season journey. In that moment, we all started rooting for Ted Mosby and hoped he’d find “the one.”

9. “T-Dog you’re in the wrong room, bro.”

How could anyone forget Ted’s first day as a college professor, one “f” or two? It was the most entertaining Econ class taught by an Architect. Ted captured any type of professor you could ever hope to encounter in one class. It was the wrong class, but A for effort right? Most importantly, this was the first time the mother met Ted.

8. When college Ted was a hipster before it was cool



His parents may live in Ohio, but never forget, he lives in the moment. 90s Ted is everything you could look for in a hipster. He’s rocking the poncho, glasses, and perfectly styled bed head.Flashbacks to college Ted were the best; they always came when you didn’t think he could get any dorkier.


7. Pulling. Them. Off.

You knew Ted was serious when he busted out those dyed, leather shoes. Why any store would actually sell red boots, I have no idea.

I highly doubt anyone could pull off red cowboy boots, but I think we can all appreciate his persistence.

6. Ted and Robin’s salutes

It started when the two were dating, and we grew to love Ted and Robin’s inside joke. Giving us another reason to love Ted Mosby because we could add another dorky trait to his extensive list.

5. When Ted busted out his piano skills

Ted and Barney opening a bar on New Year’s Eve is still one of the greatest episodes of the series. More importantly, we got to see Ted show off his piano skills while singing the Puzzles the Bar’s theme song. It’s not everyday a character plays an instrument on the show, and Ted rocked it.

4. When Lily and Robin had an entire conversation while Ted repeated the word “bowl” to himself.


Lily and Robin are having a serious conversation over whether Barney is mature enough to be a good boyfriend. Meanwhile Ted is

repeating “bowl”

every other word.


3. When we got to meet drunk Ted

After taking 5 shots, we get to meet a new side of Ted. With his drunk phone calls and horrible singing, drunk Ted is a close second to us loving sober Ted.

Marshall said it best, “We love you drunk Ted.”

2. Ted’s hate for New Jersey

He might be from Ohio, lived in the moment in college, but Ted is still as true a New Yorker as you can be without actually being born and raised there; being a New Yorker, it’s only fitting that Ted hates New Jersey.

Ted would also do a lot to get married, but he is NOT moving to New Jersey. I guess it’s good thing he and Stella didn’t work out.

1. When Ted found out he’s just as obsessed with bacon as the rest of the world

Poor Ted, up until he was in his thirties he had never tried bacon because he was “allergic.” His love life may have been going downhill at the time, but he found his silver lining, on a silver platter.

These are just 10 iconic moments from How I Met Your Mother that remind us of why we put up with and even love Ted Evelyn Mosby.

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