10 Unrealistic Alternatives to College Everyone Has Thought About (2)

5. An Inventor– We’ve all probably spent way more time than necessary brainstorming ideas of some revolutionary product that’s going to make our family billionaires. Everything you think of more than likely already exist or will be impossible to make. Either way, maybe it’s worth the try. Some genius came up with the Snuggie and now everyone and their grandma are rocking robes backwards.


4. Travel – It sounds absolutely amazing to ditch school and travel around the world. You’d get to see amazing sites, meet so many different types of people, and have the experiences of a lifetime. It would all be so perfect. Except the part where you have to pay for it. It actually sounds absolutely impossible without a buttload of money to cover it all. I guess you’d have to get a good job which for the most part you can’t do without school so, back to square one.


3. Get Internet Famous – Start a blog, make a couple YouTube videos and bam! Instant star. All you have to do is be funny and relatable. That’s not a problem at all. Especially if you add your best friend to the equation. Time to start making thousands per video. Let the money start flowing – hopefully.


2. Go On Reality TV– Anyone can go on a reality show and act stupid so why not? Get wasted, make dumb comments in the video confessions, and throw a couple punches. Next thing you know, fame and fortune will be at your fingertips. Not to mention, all the celebrities you might make friends with along the way.


1. Stripping– The number one alternative to college. Everyone has said at least 23 times during their college career, “Screw this, I can drop out and be a stripper.” In this day and age, you don’t even have to be fit or meet the requirements of a supermodel. There is a fetish for EVERYTHING. As long as you bring your uniqueness and you’re willing to shake it around, you’re in.


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