10 Valuable Lessons from How I Met Your Mother (4)

4.) Things You May Not Have Liked Before, May Not Be So Bad Later On: It’s true, Your first impressions can be subject to change. As a child I hated broccoli and salad, now, I still hate broccoli but salad isn’t so bad. As Ted discovered new possibilities with a old, disliked shirt-you can discover new things about yourself that you had not seen beforehand. Perhaps you hated sports in high school, try a few out in college-you may actually like it. In the transition from high school to college you undergo countless changes. One of them could very well be a new love for something you use to hate.


3.) Don’t Postpone Joy: Happiness exists only in the moment; it is temporary. Joy, on the other hand, is an on-going state of great contentment. Joy is happiness in things of greater depth and significance. It should be your ultimate goal to find joy in life, not settle with happiness. To do this you mustn’t allow life to pass you by, but you should partake in it. Build relationships, enjoy the small things, and be grateful for where you are. Joy is always available to those who choose to look for it.



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