10 Ways to Get Rid of Stress

Stress tends to be a factor in life no matter what we do. There are many ways to get rid of stress that  you can do in every day life that does not take too much time out of your day. Relaxing and reducing stress will calm your soul and clear your mind.

10. Breathe. It only takes a minute to clear your mind and breathe.


9. Take a step away from everything and relax for 30 minutes.


8. Do something just for you, like getting a pedicure, watching a movie, shop online, or going out for ice cream.


7. Hang out with friends. They will keep your spirits up and make sure you’re safe.


6. Read a good book to escape reality for a while.


5. Taking a nap clears the mind. Sleep will calm you down and destress.


4. Watching an episode of Reality TV will allow you to realize people are crazier than you.


3. Seeking help if you feel out of control is helpful. There is always someone that will listen.


2. Getting yourself a cup of coffee will not only give you energy and give yourself a break.


1. Watch a snuggly baby animal video. Everyone loves snuggly baby animals.


Being able to control your stress will make your days easier. In order to manage your time and work, being calm is the most important resource you have. Leaning on friends and family can build you up and encourage you to keep going. Finding something that you love and can freely do, releases stress and anxiety.

Some days life can seem like too much. Whether it’s work, friends, family, I mean it’s definitely family but other stuff could be going on, too. There are a lot of ways people choose to cope with stress. Do the words “Netflix and Chill,” ring any bells?


Some people also take up hobbies like jogging, knitting, or cooking. Some people take classes at their local rec center, maybe you’re one of those people who doesn’t care what they’re doing as long as they get some time alone. Also there should always be snacks available.


It can feel unproductive, or even lazy to desire time spent doing nothing, but everyone needs a chance to recharge their batteries at times. When that time comes there’s nothing wrong with lying back and enjoying a nice episode of Game of Thrones. Which is back by the way.


However, during times when your stress is through the roof and sitting in a big soft chair with a book just isn’t doing it for you, there are other options. Some people will get a massage, or even go all out with a spa day. This is even something you can do at home if your bed is big enough and you have a few bucks lying around to buy a face mask.


Some people prefer to go out, in which case you can gather up some friends and burn off some steam at a bar or club. If you want something more low key, well there are always restaurants around, or you could even go see a baseball game.


Everyone is different, so it’s really all about what works for you. One thing that seems to work with just about anyone though, is the soft cuddly touch of a fuzzy animal. You might have your own pet, but if you don’t and just need a quick hug, then you might want to check out therapy animals.

Dress codes are common things in schools. While it seems like many of them are slowly becoming more lenient with what students choose to wear to class, others are still sticking to the strict rules of what you can and cannot put on your body.


These dress codes can sometimes be frustrating for both the student and for the parents who have to do the shopping. This is especially the case if you do not have what is considered an “average” body. For example…


If you are much shorter than most people, you may have issues finding properly fitting clothes that meet the requirements for the dress code. Same goes when you are much taller than those around you.


The girl we are talking about today had that exact problem. She is very tall and just 13 years old with long legs and fingers. That being said, she was finding it nearly impossible to find clothes that meet the “shorts must come to your fingertips” rule…

Kids are hilarious. We all know that! You see, the thing with kids is that they have innocent, young minds and they do not process or think about things the way that adults do…


Because of that, they tend to do and say the most hilarious and honest things. For example, kids know how to keep it real when it comes to school. I mean, if you are a teacher, you know this is true.


Ask a kid a question? You’re going to get an honest answer…even though it may not have been the answer you were looking or hoping for. Well, this does not seem to change when it comes to kids taking tests…


If you give a kid a piece of paper and ask them a test question, you may get a surprisingly hilarious answer. You see, kids are honest…but they are also pretty clever, and that combination tends to bring forth some hysterical moments.

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