10 Ways to Survive Living With A Crappy Roommate (2)

8.  Headphones – Always keep a pair of headphones on you. Sometimes if your jamming to the music blasting in your ears and you can’t hear someone, it’s like there not even there. Even if you’re not listening to anything, just plug some ear buds in and it’ll be a clear sign not to talk to you. Or, an excuse to flat out ignore your roommate, though you can actually hear them.


7. Yours and Mine – If you guys are sharing appliances, like a fridge and microwave, be sure to specify which items are completely off limits. Some people think because you share some things, you share EVERYTHING. Make sure you tell your roommate that personal items and things you’re most fond of are not to be touched.  One of the most horrific experiences a person can have is walking into a room and seeing their toothbrush hanging out of someone else’s mouth.



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