11 Seasons You Get When You Go To School in Pittsburgh

11 Seasons You Get When You Go To School in Pittsburgh
You don't know whether to grab a coat or tan - all in the same month. Here are 11 seasons you get when you're a student attending a college in Pittsburgh.

Going to college in Pittsburgh is a unique experience. Aside from being a student to some of the best universities in Pennsylvania, there are some things that only going to school in the area can totally understand the struggle.

From surviving the heat in your short summer to ultimate cold in the winter, here are 11 seasons you get when you go to school in Pittsburgh:

11. Hot Hot Summer: When it’s around 90 degrees with no (wind) chill. Plus, there’s no trees within the city of Pittsburgh, so where are you supposed to find shade?? The adorably small skyscrapers?

10. Cold-Like-Your-Heart Summer: Sometimes it can get as low as 40-50 degrees in the summer here. This past summer, it ended up being that cold almost every Wednesday. “It’s the Erie effect”, people try to explain, but that’s no excuse, we deserve our warm weather!

9. 104 Days of Summer Vacation…just kidding: It’s 75 and sunny, with a bit of a breeze, pretty much a perfect temperature. Of course, it only lasts about 14, not 104 days, in late August-early September.


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