Do You Have an Unhealthy Addiction to Tumblr?

Tumblr is a great place for college students to find studying techniques, trade make up tips, or even just blow off steam. There is though a fine line of healthy Tumblr usage and unhealthy. If you happen to do any of the following you might just have an unhealthy addiction to Tumblr.

11. You can recite you’re follower count from the top of your head 

10. You fluently speak Tumblr in every day conversations

9. You’re constantly checking your ask box for anon love or hate or anything really

8. You have an otp and they ARE cannon

7. You become obsessed with the changing seasons                                         

6. And Mean Girls                                                      

5. Nothing makes you angrier than when people don’t tag their spoilers                                               

4. You find yourself in a panic when ever you hit post limit

3. You’re friends and family don’t know what you’re talking about… ever

2. When you’re not on Tumblr all you want to do is be on Tumblr

1. And you have realized you have a Tumblr addiction and don’t really care

Anna-Nicole Wilson

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