11 Thoughts That Go Through your Mind Before Meeting your Tinder Match (2)

6. What if they look nothing like their pictures? Then is it acceptable to just walk right back out the door?


5. Why are they on Tinder in the first place? There must be something wrong with them. But then again I’m on Tinder as well… Well I am a little weird.


4. What if they’re disappointed in me? Ha ha not possible. 😉


3. If this works out, how are we going to tell people we met?! I can’t say we met over Tinder, that’s too embarrassing. We will have to plan out a whole new romantic story together to tell everyone.


2. Do we just start making out or do we actually talk? I don’t know how this kind of thing works.


1. I’m backing out right now,  I’ll never see them anywhere anyways.



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