11 Types Of People You’ll Find In The Library Studying For Final Exams

1. The Drama Queen

We get it – you have two final papers due tomorrow and an exam this afternoon, but would you mind keeping down the groans and sighs behind your pile of books?

2. The Chatty Cathy  

You may think you’re whispering, but we can still hear that story you’re telling to your friend about how drunk you were last night loud and clear.

3. The Vagabond

Judging from the amount of food wrappers surrounding you, you’ve either been in the library for over 12 hours or you actually live here.

4. The Fresh-Faced Freshman

Unless you stop looking around every five minutes and asking where the printers are, everyone is going to know that you’ve never actually been in the library before.

5. The Over-prepared Expert

We get why you brought the bottles of water and the snacks, but do you really think you need that extra power cord, those earplugs and that bottle of aspirin?

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