12 Struggles of College Class Registration (3)

5. Planning out your schedule like it is the rest of your life. This is some serious planning here. Do you take the 12:45 class but not eat lunch, or take the 4:50 and be in class for the rest of your life? Choices, choices, choices..

4. Not having pre-requistes for the only class that fits in your last time block. Media ethics would be the PERFECT class for your last section, but you haven’t taken mass media…giphy-44

3. Your school holds information sessions on how to register for your specific major, but these just leave you just as confused as ever. What even?giphy-40

2. Your registration time is just inconvenient. We all feel the 10PM on a Sunday struggle, no one should have to be stressing so late at night on the day of rest. giphy-421.Whatever classes you choose determine our work load. There is no time for free class periods such as study hall or lunch. Registering for classes literally sets you up for an average of 15 hours per week of stress.giphy-47

Though it’s stressful, everyone has to do it. And once registration is over, college students can throw a party!giphy-39Until they realize they have a 6 page paper due at noon tomorrow…giphy-48


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