12 Ways Drake Can Help You Get A Date (2)

6. Rep yo mama well.

Sometimes it’s okay to be a mama’s boy. Give props to your mom and be the man she raised you to be without any apologies. Ladies will always coo over a mama’s boy because mamas don’t raise boys, they raise men. See, what I did there? #beaman


5. Keep it real.

If you like big butts, then you cannot lie. Just keep it real. Don’t be afraid to let her know what your ideal woman is. I will tell you, however, to be respectful. If you’re no George Clooney, you might want to humble yourself. #justsaying


4. Brag without bragging.

You are so freaking awesome. I’m sure you agree. Don’t get carried away thinking that you can just run up to someone and say “OMG, I’m so awesome.” Take it down a notch. If you really are awesome, verbal advertisement won’t be necessary. Boom. #ijustblewyourmind


3. Be confident.

This really matters. How you treat yourself will determine how others view you. No, it doesn’t matter what others say, but you had better convince your crush that you’re the best thing since sliced bread. Not to sound like a broken record, but just be yourself. If you just made the worst decision ever, I hope you at least made the choice with pride.


2. Smile…a lot.

If the smile on Drake’s face doesn’t make you want to smile, you’re not happy with life. There’s that and the fact that smiling just makes you appear more approachable. You ARE approachable, aren’t you? If you want a date, I’d like to think you are.


1. Remember: Y.O.L.O.

Unless, you’re Dracula or a cat with nine lives, YOLO. Just step up and make your move. You should do it before the next guy does. I don’t think anyone will ask for your permission. So, get to it, man!  You only live once.


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