13 Things Only Your Roommate Knows About You (2)

How horrifyingly terrible your singing voice is


Unfortunately for them, they are the ones who get all of your free concerts and have to endure your late night jam sessions while trying to cram for your test. Anytime music is playing, you’re probably belting it out while they sit there with their fingers in their ears wishing they had earplugs. Watch out, I heard Taylor Swift is coming out with a new album!

Your weird sleeping patterns and the fact that you snore or have Restless Leg Syndrome all throughout the night


If you’ve never gotten a pillow thrown at you in the middle of the night by your roommate, you’ve probably never snored or sleep-talked before. My constant thrashing around and moving during the night has been reason enough for the pillow to be thrown my way a time or ten!

The fact that you never, ever wear pants


Pants just get in the way. I would much rather prefer to walk around my room in my underwear, and my roommate is the only person who has come to understand that it’s my normal.

Your class schedule and lunch/dinner times


Thank god my roommate has my class schedule down because if I oversleep or miss my alarm, they know somethings up when I’m not awake. They also know exactly what time we are meeting for lunch or dinner regardless of the day, and they know to schedule things around our classes.


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