14 Disney GIFs That Perfectly Sum Up College (3)

4. Sitting in a class that’s mandatory for your major/minor, but you already know most of the things your professor is talking about. You’re not trying to sound conceited or full-of-it, but you took film studies in high school so your intro to film class seems just a tad bit redundant. This means that you don’t raise your hand in class because you don’t want to seem like a know-it-all, but you’re also itching to answer every question – especially the ones that people keep getting wrong. The struggle is real.


3. When you’re having a lazy day and your friends come back from the cafeteria. Of course you’re happy to see your friends, but seeing the bags of food in their hands is much more interesting. Sometimes they’re nice enough to ask if you want anything, but other times you hope there’s a part of them that knows exactly what you want and gets it for you anyway. Because your friends are amazing and you’re really hungry… and lazy.


2. Every mental breakdown you’ve had about your loans and/or grades. You’re having tons of fun this semester, but at the same time there’s a voice in the back of your head that’s constantly reminding you about your loans and grades and every other problem in your life.


1. Parking on campus. As much as you love your campus, you loathe the parking situation. It’s way too hard to find a parking stall next to your dorm/classroom that isn’t all the way in Guam or Narnia. If you wanted to walk that far from your car to your dorm/classroom, you would’ve just walked in the first place.


*located at Hofstra University


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