14 Love Lessons We Learned From One Tree Hill (2)

7. It’s okay to be different from other couples.

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6. Sometimes things get hard and you just need to drink to get your mind off of it. That is okay!

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5. You need to be your own person as well. You should have friends you can go do things with or even hobbies of your own that don’t involve your significant other.

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4. It’s so important to show that you care. It’s the little things that matter.

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3. Don’t take the person you love for granted or you may lose them. 

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2. Be optimistic when entering into a relationship or else it will just head downhill from the start.

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1. Love can hurt so people are guarded. Time is needed to become closer and more intimate, don’t feel the need to rush. Also, pay attention to the small details, like the lyrics to their favorite song – it says a lot about a person.

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one tree hill

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