14 Signs You’re Used To Being Broke AF (2)

7. You’ve turned down outings with friends by saying, “I am broke af. You gotta find another wingman, bro.”


6. You already know which generic foods taste the same as, if not better than, the name-brand. Treat yo’ self means buying a whole box of cookies from the 99 Cent Store. 


5. You can ration out anything. Got three cookies left? Split that ish in half and you’ll have a treat for six days of the week. Let’s not even talk about what you can do if you turn it into thirds.


4. At restaurants, you either choose the cheapest thing on the menu or the meal you can split in half and save for later. You don’t believe in throwing away perfectly good leftovers. Don’t even pretend like you drink anything other than water at restaurants. If you’ve got serious skill, you’ll sneak in some crystal light packets to add some flavor to your water.tearducts

3. You keep track of exactly who owes you money and how much they owe. You can probably name the day you loaned them money, the dollar amount up to the cent value, and their excuse for why they couldn’t pay at that point in time.


2. You love hearing all the crazy stories from your friends’ shenanigans, but you never feel bad because even though you’re still broke af, you didn’t spend $67 on cocktails at the club. You’re almost rich compared to your friends at that point.


1.  You know how to stretch your resources. Ain’t nobody got money to waste. Everything in your kitchen cabinets, can and will be used.


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