The 15 Most Awkward Things About Taking A Test In College

When you think of all the awkward situations that arise during your day-to-day college life, the majority of them probably don’t occur while you’re in the middle of an exam.  Awkwardness happens at parties, on dates, in the dorm laundry room, but in the middle of a test?

If you think about it, I think you’ll realize that there is much more awkwardness during test-taking than you noticed at first.  Here are the 15 most awkward things that inevitably happen during a testing session.

15. When you want to warn someone not to cheat off you because you know you got every question wrong.

Is it rude to assume your neighbor is going to peek at your test at some point?  Nah, we all do it.  Maybe it should be part of test taker’s code to warn that person to peek at their own risk, though.

14. Being the first to finish.

You’re not trying to be a goody two shoes or a show off, you’re just a fast test-taker.

13. Walking your test up to the front of the room.

Every eye in the room follows you, and you know all your classmates are trying to kill you with their glares of hate, for the simple fact that you’re done with the test and they’re not.  Oh well.  Later, losers.

12. Making eye contact with the professor and you know he thinks you failed.

Has anyone else experienced that moment when they finish a test quite quickly and then when they go to bring it to the professor, the professor looks at you like, “It hasn’t even been 20 minutes yet, and you’re telling me you’re done?  God have mercy on your soul.”  No one?  Just me?

11. When and if someone gets kicked out.

It’s pretty rare, but there’s nothing more awkward than when someone gets caught cheating and the professor kicks them out.  That guy’s probably going to fail the class now, but he should also get a failing grade in common decency because he just made things so awkward for everyone else.


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