15 Signs That You’re Not The Best Cook (2)

10. Diligently reading a cookbook in hopes that you’ll understand something soon.

Maybe it’s the words. Maybe it’s the pictures. Maybe it’s the words and the pictures. #nopressure 


9. You have to call your mom repeatedly for help.

It’s okay. Everything is going to be alright, now.


8. You find yourself continuously pressing pause on a video because you have no idea what you’re doing.

There’s nothing wrong with making sure you haven’t missed a step, right?


7. If something doesn’t have the word “instant” on it, you feel it’s too advanced for you.

Your idea of cooking involves two words: “fast food.”


6. You have followed all recipe instructions and it resulted in you almost burning down the building.

The instructions are right in front of you and you’re still a danger to those around you.



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