15 Signs You’re Dealing With A Guy Who’s Secretly Cheating On You (3)

5. He’s going out with his friends almost every night.

If he’s always been very close to his buddies, this probably won’t seem so weird.  However, if he hangs out with them a lot all of a sudden, that’s a red flag.

4. He comes home late, or not at all.

Huge red flag.  One of the biggest.

3. He seems needlessly defensive.

If you ever question him about anything, he starts calling you needy and clingy.

2. He seems distant.

If you guys used to talk a lot, share secrets, and spend time together, but now he doesn’t participate, it could mean he’s getting that emotional connection elsewhere.

1. He guards his cell phone and computer with his life.

If he practically leaps on you like a tiger the instant you go near his cell phone or computer, that’s a bad sign.  Some people are just private, but there could also be a very good reason he’s hiding the contents of his phone from you.

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