15 Things Sorority Girls Get a Bad Rep For

9. Dues: Yes, sorority dues are expensive, but it in no way is “paying for your friends”. Everyone joins a sorority to make friends, that is always the goal. What you’re paying for are the experiences and memories you get to make with this people that will become your friends in the process, and to the people who stay, it was completely worth it.


8. Academics: Sororities have a GPA requirement to get in, and to stay in. They strive to keep up academics as one of their most important qualities, and there have been many studies showing that overall, Greeks have higher GPA’s than those who are not Greek. anigif_enhanced-28197-1408474019-5

7. Recruitment: Two weeks of our lives every year go to recruitment when you’re in a sorority in college. That being said, those same two weeks will distract any girl from any problem she is going through outside of the sorority, it really will. Plus, we learn the ins and outs of our philanthropy and how to interact with people we’ve just met and how to do what we can to make them feel comfortable and welcomed, a skill that could really come in handy in the workplace.


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