15 Types of College Classes Everyone Has 2

10. The Painfully Dry One

When you get to college, you’ll probably have some general education requirements to fulfill, courses unrelated to your major. Your enjoyment of these will vary, but without fail, you’ll have one that is so utterly boring you feel you may go insane.

9. The One You Skip

There’s no, well, “good” reason to skip a class repeatedly, but sometimes, it will happen. Maybe it’s too early, maybe it’s too dull, maybe the professor clearly doesn’t take attendance. So, you’ll just stop going.

8. The One You Took For A Date

We all know that we should be making major academic decisions based on practical thoughts about our futures. That doesn’t tend to happen all the time, though. Sometimes, you just take a class because you’re attracted to someone in it.

7. The One That Gets Uncomfortable

All professors have opinions, and unlike high school teachers, they have much more freedom to voice them. As such, there will be classes in college that turn into heated debates most days, resulting in some awkward moments.

6. The One That Inspires You

Whatever your major is, at some point, you probably chose it because it meant something to do, whether that involves making a difference in the world, or simply making a lot of money. This class stirs up those old feelings.


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