15 Types of College Classes Everyone Has

With all the focus on parties, romance, and counting the days until your turn 21, it’s easy to forget that sometimes, you have to also go to class during college. Thankfully, while not all classes are interesting, they’re certainly not all the same. There are many different types of college courses that you may end up taking, but the following are definitely some of the most common:

15. The Shockingly Easy One

You’ve been led to believe that college is going to be much more demanding than high school, and you’re pumping yourself up for that first course.

Which will make you very confused when you end up with a class that you could have aced 10 years ago. Apparently, not all instructors care that much about hardcore curriculum.

14. The Shockingly Difficult One

On the other end of the spectrum, there will be a course you sign up for, knowing it’s supposed to be a challenge, but feeling confident that you have what it takes to tackle it.

Turns out, you don’t. By the time finals come around, you’ll be so exhausted from studying that you won’t even care how you do.

13. The Prestigious One

Professors can get big egos once they’ve made substantial contributions to their field, and as such, they’ll make sure that the key lessons of their classes seems to be “You are very lucky to be in such a prestigious course, taught by such a brilliant educator. You’re not worthy.”

12. The Random One

Other professors, well, they’re too preoccupied with those “publish or perish” pursuits to fully remember that they’re supposed to teach a class from time to time. The result: utter chaos. Lessons that go nowhere, assignments that seem unrelated to the course, etc.

11. The Interesting One

Many of your classes will engage you, but at some point, a little bit of boredom will set in, and you’ll convince yourself to take a day off or two. This course is an exception; you’ll be too turned on by the subject matter (and, maybe, the professor) to want to miss a minute of it.


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