16 Gifs That Explain A Bad Relationship Summed Up By Sammi Sweetheart

Everyone goes through rough patches in relationships that they hopefully can communicate and patch it back up. But sometimes that’s not always the case; some people are in some seriously bad relationships that they cannot get out of. Sometimes it’s abusive and you’re afraid to seek help, and sometimes you really cannot tell that your relationship is spiraling down a huge black hole. If you’re in serious trouble or even fighting 24/7 GET OUT and GET HELP. It’s not worth it; you can find somebody so much better! There are tons of fish in the sea, and you getting hurt and crying is NOT WORTH IT. Unfortunately Jersey Shore’s Sam and Ron couldn’t figure all their issues out, and this is why Sammi perfectly sums up a bad relationship.

16. If you find yourself threatening anyone who is friends, with your significant other, talking, or might even seem intimidating and make you feel insecure and jealous. Stop! You shouldn’t need to feel these feelings in your relationship.
15. If the sass needs to explode at every second of the day.
14. If you’re crying every night because of a fight.



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