16 Reasons Why You Should Have A “DTB” Designated Tequila Buddy (2)

8. They know whether or not you actually are trying to fight someone compared to you just getting hot-headed and talking shit.

7. They appreciate your love for Tequila when you start sneaking it into concerts, or other places.

6. When it’s time to cry and nobody else knows why you’re crying, they’re always there for you (they’ll probably cry with you) or just teach you how to breathe, and calm down.

5. Dancing is always a must, to be the life of the party.

4. They can comprehend what kind of night it’s going to be after the second shot.

3. They will refuse to do Tequila shots without salt and lime.

2. When they’ve had a tough game, or study session you know exactly what to pick up at the liquor store.
1. Your mothers probably think you’re an alcoholic because you like Tequila so much.. So they understand why you’re always getting texts the next morning, asking if you’re alive and what you did last night.


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