16 Things Every Girl Experienced In Middle School

If you were in middle school circa 2006-2009 chances are you can relate to these.


1. The Skyway Avenue/Check Yes Juliet/ The Great Escape music phase

2. Hannah hated Amy because Sam told Hannah that Melissa and Tess heard from Lexi that Amy was talking about her at the lunch table… Sound familiar??

3. Side bangs were a thing… #RIP

4. Around 85% of your wardrobe said “Hollister” or “Abercrombie” on it

5. The horrible days of braces

6. Going to the movies with a huge group of people was part of your weekend social life, and if you were lucky you sat next to the boy you were currently crushing on and possibly held hands, OMG!!

7. You have dated who are now your close guy friends and recycled them amongst your friend group. (Cue the “Haha yup” laugh)

8. At football games you spent the majority of your time hanging out behind the bleachers because that was the cool thing to do

9. AIM was your life, and you put a lot of time and effort into your away messages

“School, then going to hangout with my girls, cells good… BFFS (not in any order) – AG CK NT MD MV CK RZ RP <333”

10. Your first cellphone was a flip phone with T9 word

11. You also had an Env, Env 2, Env Touch, Voyager. Chocolate, or a Razor at some point in your middle school career

12. You wrote notes to your friends while you were in class as if you weren’t going to see them in five minutes

13. You used PicNik to edit your pictures, adding hearts/other symbols to the corner of every picture

14. Who you put in your top friends on Myspace was a big deal

15. After you discovered Facebook and you would leave pointless wall posts on your friends Facebook walls…

       “Heyyyyy I’m SO bored so I thought I would say hi. Remember at lunch today when… hahahah yeah that was so funny. Okay I have to go do some homework now. See you tomorrow <3 <3 <3”

16. You potentially owned a pair of these shoes









Now be grateful that your middle school days are behind you, because chances are you would hate middle school you.


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