16 Things People at UMD Say Way Too Often (4)

Pass the Zelko. Zelko is the alcohol of the University of Maryland.  You cannot walk into any party without people passing around a Zelko bottle.

Let’s bottle dance! People are so obsessed with Zelko that they actually make a circle and dance around the precious bottle.  Take a moment to realize that people actually form a circle around a bottle of alcohol and dance around it…

Where are you postgaming? In Greek Life you have the pregame, the social, and the postgame.  Throughout the night girls will constantly ask their friends what frat they are postgaming at because it is usually the craziest time of the night.

I love College Park.  UMD students may not attend every football game, but they do love their school and their town because College Park is an amazing place to spend your four years of college.

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