18 Of The Most Ridiculous Things Guys Have Said To Girls (2)

14. “I guess you don’t really have to worry about dropping your phone in the toilet because your thick thighs would stop it.”

At least one of us has something that’s “thick”.

13. “You should really start doing squats, your tits are nice, but I don’t really like tits.”

You should really start going to class, your body is nice, but I don’t really like mindless douchebags.

11. “Do you think your sister would be into having a threesome with us? No? What about your brother?”

Yeah, you know, I think my dad wanted to show you his shotgun up close and personal.

10. After being exclusive for 7 months: “Why would I meet your parents? It’s not like we’re actually dating.”

You know what? You’re right, how silly of me to assume we were dating because I just stayed at your place every weekend, met your entire family, went on dates almost every night, and exchanged “I love you’s”. I can see how I misunderstood the situation.


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