20 Incredibly Difficult Lessons We All Learn In College (4)

5. It’s up to you to make sure you succeed.

Now that you’re in college, you don’t have a babysitter, which means whether you succeed or fail is entirely up to you.  That’s a lot of responsibility to take on, but you’ve just got to do your best.

4. Your parents can’t get you out of every mess you get into.

Those were the days, huh?

3. Time management doesn’t come easily for some people.

If you didn’t have much practice managing time in high school, getting to college is something of a baptism by fire, because you’ll sink incredibly fast if you don’t figure out the necessary skills quickly. Some people rise to the occasion with great success.  Others have to work at it and still find themselves lacking in that department.

2. Money doesn’t go as far as it used to.

Remember when you were in high school and $100 of birthday money was like winning the lottery?  Now, holding $100 in your hand is like nothing at all.  It wouldn’t even put a dent in your tuition for this semester.  If you spent it on gas, it would only fill up your tank a couple of times, and it probably wouldn’t even cover the cost of one biology textbook.

1. Doing things alone is so incredibly hard.

Remember, feeling lonely sometimes is completely normal, but actually being alone is so much worse.  You need to surround yourself with people who care about you, and you need to keep a good relationship with your family because those are all of the people who are going to make it possible for you to get through the tough times.

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