20 Reasons We Procrastinate

Typically us college students get a triple A plus in this every semester and you’re probably doing it right now. Procrastination. Ring a bell? We’ve mastered every trait of procrastination possible, and it never ends. It’s a bad habit we picked up in our high school years… We will never learn, and procrastination will stick with us forever.

20. Lack Of Motivation-  Netflix, working out, or learning pointless crap in class, that we just want to nap and keep off from doing homework as long as possible. Or you already have a good/bad grade in the class, what’s the point in trying anymore?

19. Lazy- We’re just straight up lazy and don’t feel like doing anything at all most of the time.
19its sad but true…

18. School Breaks- We’ve all been assigned that one project where we have all winter/spring break to finish it, but we still end up doing it the night before school starts back up instead. Because who doesn’t want to catch up with family and friends when you’re home on break??? Or go have fun???
18Teachers have no chill..

17. Studying- This could be true…. Or not… You have a huge test tomorrow and passing that is more important than your research paper you have to write.
17We also suck at studying… 

16. YouTube- I always find myself on YouTube for an hour or two while trying to write a project proposal. Those prank videos ALWAYS get me.
16Shout out to PrankVSPrank Jeana & Jesse ILY






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