10 Signs You Shouldn’t Study In Public Places

When it comes to studying everyone has their own study habits. You may find your friends asking if you want to study at the library or the computer lab, but for some people the best option


The 10 Thoughts You Have The Night Before A Major Project Is Due

We have all procrastinated way too hard on a paper, project, or presentation at some point in our educational career.  Here are just a few thoughts you may have had when you were doing that


20 Reasons We Procrastinate

Typically us college students get a triple A plus in this every semester and you’re probably doing it right now. Procrastination. Ring a bell? We’ve mastered every trait of procrastination possible, and it never ends. It’s


15 Ways To Actually Get Work Done At The Library

Two things that are collegiate necessary evils: studying and the library.  As a central spot on any campus, lots of people enjoy going to the library to socialize or find a quiet corner to nap,