20 Reasons Why Being Shy Is Actually Super Attractive (4)

5. The quiet people are often the smartest and funniest.

They rarely open their mouth to speak, but when they do, the stuff they say is the best.

4. Finally getting a shy person to open up makes you feel really special.

Getting to know someone that closely is an intimate thing.

3. Not everyone adores an outwardly bubbly personality.

You know how they say there’s a lid for every pot?  For every person who’s interested in the guy or girl with an effervescent personality, there’s another person who’s interested in someone more quiet and thoughtful.

2. It’s easy to see that shy people aren’t self-centered.

Or if they are, they’re not outwardly self-centered, and that’s a major plus.

1. Blushing is adorable.

Enough said.

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