20 Struggles of Taking the Elevator

If you’re living in a dorm or have a class building with lots of floors, chances are that you’ve taken the elevator at some point.  Currently living on the eighth floor, I know all too well the difficulties of taking the elevator:

20. The Wait

waiting GIF

Why does it have to take so long?

19. The Person Making a Really Loud Phone Call

tiny phone

I can hear everything you’re saying.

18. Gross Couples

kissing elevator

If you’re going to your room, can the slobberfest really not wait until you get there?

17. Running into Someone from the Weekend

awkward GIF

The guy I hooked up with lives upstairs.  Great.

16. Nasty Surprises


From beer cans, to puke, to used condoms, you never know what’s behind those doors.

15. The Person Going to 2
2ndd floor

If you’re not disabled, just take the stairs.

14. People Screaming “Hold it!”

closing door meme

If you’re close by, fine.  If you’re all the way down the hall, I’m closing the doors.

13. When They See you Coming and Don’t Hold the Door

door close

The five seconds it would take for me to get there couldn’t possibly hold you up that much.

12. Getting Crammed in


Claustrophobia to the max.

11. Thinking it Might be Easier if you Took the Stairs

stairs meme

Try and forget that thought.

10. Someone who Smells Bad


Close quarters and bad smells=a recipe for annoyance.

9. When They Break

broken elevator

Can’t wait to take eight flights of stairs!

8. People Talking Between You

be quiet

Can’t you just finish the conversation when we get downstairs?

7. When Someone Farts

elevator farts

Hopefully you won’t have a long ride.

6. Getting told, “It’s Going Up,” When You Need to go Down 

going up

The worst feeling in the world when you’re late.

5. Stopping at Every Floor

elf gif

This is why I try to live on lower floors.

4. Talking Elevators that Say What Floor You’re On

scared GIF

Am I the only one who is extremely freaked out by this?

3. When Strangers Start Talking to You

starnger meme

I get that you want to be nice, but I don’t know you.

2. Not Being Able to Fit

crowded elevator meme

We’re gonna need a bigger elevator.

1. They’re Slow


We’ll get to the lobby…eventually.

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