20 Things Your Roommate Says And What They Actually Mean (3)

10. “When is your mom coming to visit again?”

What it means: “I really hope your mom comes and cleans our place and buys us groceries.”

9. “My girlfriend thinks you’re kind of cute.”

What it means: “How you react to this statement will determine whether or not I ever leave you two unsupervised.”

8. Can I borrow your blue shirt?”

What it means: “I would have just taken it, but you were home so I had to ask.”

7. “Did you borrow my blue shirt?”

What it means: “I know you borrowed my blue shirt without asking and I want to see if your lying ass will own up to it.”

6. “It’s hot in here.”

What it means: “I’m actually freezing, but we should turn down the heat because I’m not made of money.”

5. “I’m having a few friends over.”

What it means: “Don’t get mad at me when we’re loud and you can’t sleep tonight.”


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