20 Types of College Friends Described By Movies and TV Shows (2)

15. The Grey’s Anatomy Friends These friends were made for each other. They are each other’s soul mate and they know it. “You’re my person.”


14. The Once Upon a Time Friends This is the group of friends that are practically family. They may come across problems, but they always work through it together.


13. The Neighbors Friends These friends might not have gotten along at the beginning, but once they got past their differences they knew it was the beginning to a great friendship.


12. The Bridesmaids Friends These friends will all be in each others weddings parties (along with the occasional family member that you’ve never met but is still as close to your BFF as you).


11. The Guardians of the Galaxy Friends This group probably formed due to a group project or some other random pairing. They might have all had different intentions at the beginning, but now they’re all friends and hang out more than they ever thought they would.



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