20 Ways You Know You’re A Sonoma State Student (Con’t)

11. Why is there a bacon statue in the middle of campus?

That bacon statute that the tutor guides always joke about when you’re touring SSU located between Darwin and Salazar. Most of us think it’s just there for laughs, others say they put it right next to our little cafe named Toast as a joke to have bacon with your toast, but whatever the reason is it definitely adds to the uniqueness of SSU!

12. Most of us have never even been to our precious Green Music Center.

The one-of-a-kind 45 million dollar Green Music Center that the tour guides always fancy about; however, you’ll probably only visit once or twice for class or to attend a concert while you’re at SSU.

13. Better save up those quarters for the laundry room.

Here at school you’ll often have to dry your clothes at least two times or that is until you get fed up and just take your semi still wet clothes back to your dorm and say to the heck with it. Also make sure not to do your laundry late at night or on a Sunday because everyone has the same idea as you and you will struggle to find an open washer machine or dryer.

14. What is a communal bathroom?

Since we have some of the best dorms in the nation here at Sonoma, we don’t even understand the struggle other students have to go through with a communal bathroom because we usually only have to share our bathroom with a few other roommates. That’s the perks of being ranked Princeton Review’s #17 amongst its 377 “Best College Dorms” in the nation.

15. You either go hard at the gym, or you’ve never been to the Rec Center at all.

Here at Sonoma our gym is open at 6 am until 11 on weekdays, but closes earlier on Fridays. With the gym being open for most of the day, it allows students to go work out and fight against that dreadful Freshmen 15. However, most of us go three of four days a week hard at the gym or others chose to not enter the Rec Center at all.

16. The food at our new cafeteria is just as bad!

Previously at school students had to eat at the Zinfandel cafeteria, but in late 2013 the new cafeteria opened. After millions of dollars spent in production, the food tastes just as bad, if not worst! There’s different opinions such as pizza, a sandwich bar, a salad bar, a dessert bar, and some exotic food to eat, but trust me only after a few months you’ll get sick of it and beg your roommates to take you to Chipotle or even Taco Bell off campus because anything is better than that dreaded freshmen meal plan.

17. Rain, Rain Go Away!

Sonoma usually has beautiful sunny weather on campus; however, that is until the winter hits. During the winter, when it pours it’s literally raining cats and dogs and it is a struggle to walk to class or go to the cafeteria. So don’t forget to pack some rain boots with you before you move back into school!

18. You feel blessed that you even got 12 units during registration.

Registration is the most stressful time of the school year besides final week. Weeks before registration you plan out your perfect, ideal schedule where you get to sleep in until noon and have no Friday classes and you are done with classes by 4 everyday. Then once it comes your turn to register you realize there goes your perfect schedule and you struggle to find any of the classes you need and you get stuck taking Friday classes- the dreadful Friday classes. But hey you’re one step closer to graduating, probably not on time that is.

19. Graduating on time is a struggle.

Don’t get me wrong plenty of people graduate from Sonoma State in four years; however, it is quite a struggle. Especially when you have a popular major like Business, Psychology, or Biology where it is a bigger struggle because everyone is fighting over the same classes. Just remember to take a deep breath and try to take a few classes back at your local junior college during the summer or a class during winter session, the extra units will add up over time and you’ll end up graduating in four years!

20. Taco Bell and Seven Eleven are the most common spots to late night munch off campus late night.

When it’s one in the morning and you’re starving and struggling to finish that essay due at eight am, Taco Bell and Seven Eleven are definitely the places you need to go for the late night munchies. With them both being located directly across the street it’s only a short, convenient ride away!

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