20 Ways To Make The Most Out Of Your First Semester Of College 4

5. Finding Your Style

There’s no one way of enjoying college. Some people party hard and work hard. Some people prefer low-key fun. Some people need to constantly find new ways of spending their time. Explore your options and figure out what makes you most happy.

4. Doing Your Work

College is of no use to you if you end up failing out. Don’t just hold yourself academically responsible; make sure you do your absolute best, so that you can get good grades and stay in school. Having fun is only fun if you know you’re doing your part to succeed.

3. Saying Yes

Getting over your anxiety and stress during the early days of college isn’t easy. There’s no secret trick to it. You simply have to keep pushing yourself until situations that intimidated you are no longer frightening. So, whenever someone asks you to do something – as long as it’s not something dumb – say yes. Give yourself as many chances possible to have fun.

2. Doing Your Chores

Your parents aren’t going to make you clean your room, do your laundry, or make your bed anymore. It’s up to you to be an adult about these things. And if you don’t want to be that weird guy who smells bad and lives in the dirtiest dorm possible, you’re going to have to.

1. Going Out

This is the simplest one, but it’s the most important: no matter what the situation may be, spend the least amount of time possible in your dorm. Academically, try to attend every single class. Socially, enjoy every opportunity to go out. In your downtime, head to the gym, take a walk around campus, or check out the town. The easiest way to ignore your own fears about college is to hide away in your room and not do anything. That’s also the easiest way to waste the experience.

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