25 Dark Thoughts And Secrets Most Women Keep From Their Men

If you didn’t know, there are countless hidden secrets and desires that most women tend to hide from their men. I mean, we know this goes both ways…however, today we are focusing on those deep, dark secrets women tend to keep from their partners. Are you ready to find out what your girl may be keeping from you?


It’s innocent flirting, is what she’ll tell you. The reality is, she loves it when a man flirts with her. It doesn’t matter if she’s engaged, donning a ring, or has two kids, it just feels good. To be noticed, to be admired, to feel sexy. It leads to nothing, and she knows that, but the simple act of it, the dance, that’s what she’s looking for.


She fantasizes about celebrities all the time. She’ll never tell you, but she has a crush on at least one actor or singer that she thinks about whenever she’s not doing anything. Don’t feel discouraged though, it’s a fantasy and nothing more.


She has a vibrator in the house, and she still uses it. Sex is great, she’ll be the first to admit that, but alone time is alone time, especially when you’re out on a business trip. Also, most likely, she’s not thinking of you when she’s wielding the eggbeater.


She’s probably had more sex than she’s told you about. Like, waaay more. She’s had more than a few regrets over the years, and most of them are locked up in her vault, never to be told to anyway. Except her girlfriends, of course.


Keep reading to find out how what she thinks about marriage!

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