4 Movies We Wish College Resembled (2)

Monsters University Monsters University would be a great college experience for a million different reasons. For starters the diversity on campus is insane. Everyone has a different talent and personality and look, but most of them still seem to get along pretty well. Secondly, the Scare Games look insane but extremely fun. They’re like Greek Week on my own campus, but with twists and turns no one expects. Also can I just mention that Squishy would be the best friend ever? I mean just look at his dance moves!


Pitch Perfect There are a million different moments from Pitch Perfect that would make college the best time of our lives. For one thing you can burst into song at basically any time and no one would judge you! (You probably do that now anyway, but at least if you lived like Pitch Perfect people would join you instead of just staring.) For another thing, instead of physical fights you could just declare a Riff Off. Not to mention you’d also be friends with Fat Amy, get hit with tons of sassiness, and you’d basically be one of the coolest people ever.



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