The 5 Stages of Cooking for Yourself

It’s a daily struggle. It comes to a point where having cereal or toast for dinner again will actually make you sick. It’s at theis time where we all make attempts to cook our own food. Most times this is how it goes.


It’s 10:45PM on a Wednesday. There just happens to be food in your fridge but it’s unprepared and you’re hungry. This is where the adventure starts.




You psych yourself up trying to get in a mindset that will help you create something edible. You look up recipes, meal ideas and you even go to sites that tell you what you can make with what you have. You’re ready.

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Knives are flying, spoons are stirring, cans are opening, and everything is working together. Somehow, someway you’re making something edible out of smaller less edible things. It’s like magic.

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You sit down with your concoction in front of you ready to eat. However three bites in you realize that it’s the worst tasting thing in the world. If death had a flavor, this would be it.

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Tears rolling down your face there’s only one thing left to do. In reality this is the option that you should have chosen in the first place. And the best part is that there’s just enough time left.

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Next time, let’s just start with pizza.

A jack-of-all-trades that’s trying to master one.
Physics major at the University of Albany.

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