The 5 Stages Of Winter

5. Excitement– Yay winter is here!! OMG the first snowfall, how pretty! Winter won’t be bad this year. I can do this. *Takes Instagram picture of the snow captioned, “Pretty snow (snowflake emoji).”*

4. Denial– Wow it’s really not that bad! I might actually like winter… who would have thought.

3. Annoyed– It’s cold, the roads suck, and did I mention it’s cold? Why did I think I was going to enjoy winter? I have no motivation to do anything, except watch Netflix in bed.

2. Anger-We should have had a snow-day. Whatever, I’m giving myself a snow-day today. I deserve one. I cannot wait until winter is over; I think I might be depressed because of this weather. Is that possible? Isn’t seasonal affective disorder a thing? Maybe I have that. I’m self-diagnosing.

1. RageWHERE ARE YOU SPRINGGGG, WHY CAN’T I FIND YOUUU?!? (sung to the tune of, “Where Are You Christmas” from The Grinch) No but seriously, is it almost spring yet? If it starts snowing again I’m going to go insane.

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