5 Struggles You’ll Experience During a Group Project

Group projects: they’re the bane of college students, yet professors still make us do them. You honestly thought they would be better than they were in high school, but sadly, that’s just not true.

Most gen-ed courses, as well as some upper-level classes, include at least one project that requires the collaborative effort from a small number of your peers. Throughout your time working with your classmates, you will encounter a series of setbacks.

5. Your groupmates can’t agree on a time to meet.


He has to work most days. She has a ton of meetings. The other kid gives a vague answer as to why he can’t show up at your suggested time. Your schedules just don’t seem to mesh very well.


4. People forget about your meeting.


You finally get a meeting set up. You show up at the designated spot, and you wait. and wait. And wait. Finally, one other group member shows up. You sit in silence and wait. Suddenly, you receive a notification in your group chat.

“Sorry! I completely forgot about the meeting, lol. Can we meet some other time?”


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