The 6 Things Being A Part Of A Sorority Has Taught Me (2)

3) Get a thicker skin and brush it off.  Now this may sound harsh but let me explain.  As a member of Greek life you may hold a position, whether it be within your chapter or as a part of Panhellenic council.  That being said, not everyone is going to like your initiatives and agree with you.  Furthermore, you don’t even have to hold a position to experience this.  You will survive, I promise.  Being a member of a sorority has taught me that I don’t have all the answers and while I don’t always love when the things I am trying to initiate are shot down, you learn to move on and trust your chapter.  Being a part of a sorority has shown me that thick skin is a 110% necessary part of being an active participant in the real world.

2) People with different mindsets can, in fact, get some amazing things accomplished together.  There is something truly dangerous about sticking with people who share all the same views and experience as you.  And while I don’t really ever condone having a conversation revolving around the realm of politics, that can get nasty really quickly for some reason, you need to be around people different than yourself.  Consider it sensitivity training.  Consider it traveling.  Consider it expanding your mindset.  Consider it growing as a person.  Being around people of different races, socio-economic backgrounds, religions, experiences, ethnicity, etc. is a truly amazing thing.  Because no, not every sorority is full of blonde haired white girls who jump up and down to their favorite song at the bar.  I owe my mindset expansion to my time in Greek life because I have come in contact with so many different people in my own chapter, at my university, and across the country.

1) Your family extends far beyond your bloodline.  Now granted I knew this before I joined my sorority, but I didn’t know the extent of this statement.  I have close friends outside of my Greek community  family, but I have never met a group of people so devoted to each other until I became a part of it.  I had never realized how desperately I needed a big sister.  I never realized that people really didn’t mind helping me studying for my chemistry exam until 4am.  I had never realized that there were people who would genuinely do anything for me without expecting anything in return.  So yes, I have my actual family and my non-Greek life family but my Greek life family is a breed all its own.

So while I could probably continue to go on forever I am curious what you have learned from being a member of a sorority, or Greek life in general.  Remember to continue to support each other because Greek life is a truly amazing thing.

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