5 Things College Tour Guides Lie About

These are some of the things I have over­heard tour guides say to prospec­tive stu­dents and I could not help but laugh.


1. “The food is amaz­ing!”- I don’t care who says how good the food is, it’s not 5 star restau­rant qual­ity and it’s noth­ing like your moms food, I can assure you. At first it’s not bad because there are so many dif­fer­ent choices, but after a while they all seem to blend together. You become so fed up the next time you see, “Fried Chicken” on the menu you’re going to go crazy. (Trust me)


2. “Being Tripled Isn’t That Bad.”- Oh this might but the biggest lie yet. (So I’ve heard) Sure it’s not that bad but soon enough you’ll start to get annoyed. All you want in life is to be able to store things under your bed. Unfor­tu­nately that’s pretty much impos­si­ble since one per­son has their desk under their bed and the other two peo­ple have bunked beds. Just pray your room­mates are nor­mal and be very aware of the “2 against 1.” This is where two of the room­mates become best friends and the third is usu­ally the odd man out.


3. “There is always some­thing going on.”- I can say from expe­ri­ence that’s not always true. You will learn to spend end­less hours hang­ing out with peo­ple and you will learn to love it. Sure your floor will put on pro­grams some­times, but they aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. The one time you actu­ally attend one of these pro­grams, chances are you will be too late and there will be no mugs left to decorate.


4.”You don’t need a printer.”- Believe me when I tell you that a printer might be one of the best invest­ments you make when you come to col­lege. Espe­cially when it’s 2:30 a.m. and you need to print an essay that is due the next morn­ing. If you’re lucky there will be a printer in your build­ing, but if not, you’ll find your­self on a man hunt for peo­ple who have print­ers in their room.


5. “Reg­is­ter­ing for classes is so easy!”- No… this is such a lie. You will be pan­ick­ing at the end of your first semes­ter because all the classes you wanted to take are fill­ing up and you’re times­lot isn’t until Fri­day at 10 a.m. Did I men­tion that your times­lot hap­pens to be the very last one? Words of advice: take as many classes in high school that will give you col­lege credit. You will thank me later… I promise.



I’m just a sophomore at St. John Fisher College who loves writing and chocolate chip cookies.

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