5 Things You Should Fall In Love With Before You’re 25

Love isn’t just “relationship goals” and giant teddy bears. You’re young, and there’s so much more to love than Ryan Gosling’s butt and Netflix. Here’s 5 things you should learn to love before you’re 25.

5. Life

Although it’s been said more times than none, life is short, and a blessing. It may seem hard at times, but every second of your life should be spent with love and appreciation for being alive, and being able to experience something new every day.


4. The World

Never forget that the world is a bigger place than your backyard, and it has so much to offer. Never be afraid to explore new places, cultures, or to experience something new. Go to festivals. Try new foods. Take that trip to Europe. Experience as much of the World as you can while you can. You never know when it’s all going to change.



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