5 Ways to BS Your Way Through This Semester (4)

2. Befriend your professors


“Hi Mr. Smith, How are your kids? Did you have a nice weekend? I just wanted to tell you that I found last lecture absolutely fascinating, so so enlightening.”Okay, I have found kissing ass is the key to getting by with a better grade than you deserve. If you get a really bad grade in a class you’ve been doing well in, request to meet with your professor. Sit down and explain to him your thought process behind your project/paper. 9 times out of 10, your professor will bring your grade up. Don’t expect to go from a D to an A, but one letter grade? Totally possible. Once your professor sees what motivated your work, he can understand your paper better, and he might just’ll bump up your grade. Unless he’s a total asshole, which is entirely possible.next

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