52 Underrated Things In Life

Someone once said, it’s the little things that make life worth living. (Or something along those lines)

52. A good cup of coffeecoffee

51. Waking up before your alarm goes off and realizing you have 3 more hours to sleep

50. The moment you see your food coming out at a restaurant

49. Waking up in your own bed after a night out

48.When they’re serving your favorite food in the dining hall

47. When a song comes on in a car full of people and suddenly everyone starts singing in unison

46. Getting in bed after a long day

45. When the person in front of you pays for your order

44. Finding that song you didn’t know the name of but you’ve been searching for everywhere

43. Clean sheets

42. Genuine peoplenice ppl

41. Diet peach Snapple

40. Laughing so hard your stomach hurts

39. When you realize the person you like, likes you back

38. Long showers

37. The day you can leave the house without your winter coat

36. A cold water on a hot day

35. That feeling you get when you hear great news goodnews

34. When you’re out of skips on Pandora and your favorite songs come on one after another

33. The first sip of a cold Pepsi/Coke

32. Reuniting with your home friends over winter break/summer

31. Not losing your phone when you go out (lol)

30. People who return your phone after you’ve lost it during a night out (God bless)

29. Finding money on the ground

28. Hitting every green light in a row while driving

27. Going out and not spending a dime

26. Clean laundrylaundry2

25. New socks/matching socks

24. Driving with the windows open on a nice day

23. Home-cooked meals

22. Not having to wake up at a certain time

21. When you can feel the warmth from the sun

20. The feeling of being loved, even if it’s from your dog

19. When it starts raining and you realize you have an umbrella in your car

18. Taking your bra off after a long day

17. Freshly shaved leg

16. The taste of water after a night out

15. Waking up without a hangover

14. Morning cuddle-sesh

13. A quality summer tan

12. Runners highrunnerhigh

11. When whatever you’re buying ends up being cheaper than you expected

10. When someone plays with your hair

9. Naps

8. Chocolate Peanut butter milkshakes

7. When someone buys you a drink at the bar

6. Achieving the perfect messy bun

5. Forehead kisses

4. When you’re about to go somewhere and realize your phone is above 50%

3. The cold side of the pillow

2. Ordering clothes online that actually fit you

1. Friends who will do anything for you


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