6 Things Only Art Majors Understand

6 Things Only Art Majors Understand
Everyone questions the practicality of being an art major. But sometimes, being practical is no fun. Here are 6 things that only art majors understand.

Though going to college is suppose to be a time in your life where you experience your first taste of freedom, you still feel a lot of pressure when it comes to your academics. Especially when you’re an art major. While others are majoring in business or engineering or some other practical field, art students know that there is a chance that they may not have much security in their future compared to others. But the beauty of college is discovering your talents, your passions, and your decided field of study. Art majors express their talent through their craft whether it’s through paintings, sculptures, or even through graphic design.

So many people question your major of choice but you know deep down that you made the right decision. You see that your creativity translates onto whatever canvas you pick, and you’re proud of your work. But that still doesn’t stop people from asking the most ridiculous questions or make statements regarding your major.

Here are 6 things only art majors understand:

6.What Exactly Do You Plan On Doing?

When this question is asked, you better have your retirement planned out. Now is the time to legitimize your major to someone you barely know.

what's art

disapointing parents

5. I Can’t Even Draw A Stick Figure!

You will hear this phrase every time someone finds out you are studying art.

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