7 Signs You’re An Introvert Living In An Extrovert’s World

Introvert: Someone who recharges by being alone

Extrovert: Someone who recharges by being around other people


7. In social situations you overthink what you’re going to say. CAUTION: Word vomit is real.

6. Sometimes you’re secretly happy when someone cancels that lunch date you were supposed to go on.

5. You loooove having fun but you hate when you’re out and you get stuck making pointless conversation with someone. I don’t know what else to say so I’m going to slowly walk away now…

4. Your stance on small talk is… No I’d rather not talk about the weather with you, sorry!! 

3. You wish you were more outgoing but eh, it’s so much work.

2. When you do something and you do it without being awkward, it feels like you won the lottery.

1. People think you’re being rude because you don’t say hi to them in the hallway. In reality, you never even saw them walk by. Don’t take it personal that I didn’t smile at you. I was too busy thinking about how crazy it is that people think that dress is white and gold, when it’s not.

Moral of the story: You have a love/hate relationship with being an introvert in an extrovert’s world, but you deal with it because staying in your room 24/7 is frowned upon.

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